Monday, November 2, 2015

Donate to Powderhorn Empty Bowls TONIGHT!!!

Calling all gardeners!!!

Powderhorn Empty Bowls is holding its 9th annual event this Friday, November 5th from 11am-7pm. They take donations from our garden to cook soup, use bowls made by local potters, and bake bread on-site which are served to the community. Powderhorn Empty Bowls project collects monetary donations on Friday the 5th which go toward feeding the hungry in our neighborhood.

Please donate any extra produce from your garden TONIGHT, Monday Nov. 2nd at the Powderhorn Park Community Center Building located on the east side of Powderhorn Park. Any donation helps!!! Herbs, veggies, even flowers can be donated to help this great local cause.

I will be in the garden around 5:30 collecting salvageable items and bringing them to the park building tonight. Please let us know if you are unable to go to the garden but would like to donate items from your plot.

This is a link to the Powderhorn Empty Bowls project for more information:

Stay tuned for November clean-up dates as well!

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