Friday, May 5, 2023

Garden contarct has an update

We updated the information in this part of the contract. 

 Individual Plot Assignment:  Once I have been assigned a plot, I will cultivate and plant in it within 4 weeks/one month. I agree that if I do not plant or cultivate my plot within four weeks/one month of May 10, 2023 I forfeit my plot for the season and my plot will be assigned to another gardener. My fee will not be reimbursed and used as a donation to the 3437 Garden. This means your plot must be cleaned out and attended to by June 10th, 2023. I will garden all season. My plot cannot be left fallow or unused for any period of two weeks or longer; this is weeds taking it over or unwatered plants. I understand that if I leave my plot unused for more than two weeks without making prior arrangements, I agree that other garden members may tend to and harvest my plot. We have this in the contract for the people on the waiting list who are eager to get a plot and start planting. Also, we are trying to keep the garden looking tidy to have a clean and safe environment. The more we care for the gardens the more the community respects it as well. If you are not able to get to your garden in 4 weeks of renting it we ask that you ask a friend or neighbor to help in your garden until you are able. We do not want to forfeit anyone from a community garden.

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